Sunday, November 8, 2009

Girl, Interrupted

Interruption is a pet peeve of mine. And I've noticed more and more interruption around me, which is really bothering me. I think this could be the reason that I sometimes feel like I'm not getting my input in the conversation. And lately I've noticed that I've been interrupting, just to get heard!

There are a few individuals I am thinking about which talk incessantly and you HAVE to interrupt to get a word in otherwise! The first is my co-worker, who I really am not too fond of anyway. One simple question, will lead her off into a spiral of subjects, and even if you try to interrupt, she will keep talking! Another is a good friend whom I am very fond of, but who will continue talking, even when you start talking when you think he/she has finished!! And then there is my father, who will go into 'lecture mode' if you say anything, so that you have to interrupt to get him to stop. I think the worst part about all of the interrupters is that if you say anything, or start talking about your life, they will interrupt your story and start relating it back to them. It's rather annoying and rude.

Perhaps it is because I am a good listener. I will sit and listen to a person's problems. I don't mind...I'd like to think that I am a very supportive person. But then it gets to the point where I can't even get my 2 cents in about anything. And sometimes that is better, because that will start them on a whole other tangent.

But how do we deal with this? Perhaps that is why texting, e-mail and IM work out so much better...because the whole 'interruption' subject is completely gone. You just write as much as your heart desires, knowing that they will read it and respond, and you won't get lost under the constant drone of the other person's voice.

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