Sunday, October 4, 2009

October Already?!?!

It's hard to believe that it is already October. A year ago exactly, I was taking the LSAT. Now I am in law school. It's hard to believe how fast time flies. Pretty soon it will be Christmas.

The weather here is also an indication of the passing time. It is finally beginning to cool off. The breezes have a hint of cool, and I am very homesick for fall. I imagine that my house at home looks gorgeous, with the leaves from the old Oak trees falling. When I was little, we used to make these HUGE piles of leaves and jump in them. And I would stand on the hill, and let the cool wind blow through my hair. Yes, I love the fall. Unfortunately I am in an area without fall, but I still like the change in the weather. I'm excited to wear sweaters...yes, it is perfectly acceptable to wear sweaters in Florida.

Of course, that poses a problem in itself. See, even though I am not incredibly tall, sweaters are usually too short on me. Plus, I am very particular when it comes to the fabric of a sweater. I love cashmere, but for a more affordable sweater, I prefer a cotton yarn. Wool is too scratchy. Baby alpaca is beautiful, but very expensive. My next knitting project will be a baby alpaca yarn sweater. Something I can curl up in.

On that note, I am going to go work on homework. I would like to do some knitting today, and that will only happen if I finish my reading.

Have a wonderful Sunday.

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