Sunday, September 20, 2009

Exploding Brain

I have spent my entire Sunday reading, reading, reading. I know I signed up for this, but I need to vent, so therefore I will.

Don't get me wrong, I think law school is great. So far, aside from the first week that was terrifying, everything is falling in place. But there is just so much reading! Halfway through the day, my eyes hurt, my head felt like it was so stuffed with information that it would explode, and my body felt so cramped from sitting. So I went out to Staples (I needed to get pen refills and highlighters anyway) and then came back and tackled more. Unfortunately, I still have more to read before class tomorrow. There is just so much information - how do they expect you to remember everything?

I guess what I don't understand is why I am reading all of this when I am planning on practicing a totally different type of law. I guess it doesn't matter. But I do find everything interesting, and I look forward to class, but I guess what I am trying to say is, at the moment, I am overwhelmed.

I feel like I need to go swimming, or just sit in a field and meditate on my own feelings for a while. To do something that will push all these things into a different part of my brain so that I can concentrate on something else. I need to get my hobbies back - where did they go? For the first time in a long while, I went to Michaels and I didn't buy anything.

The drive is starting to get me too. I know I don't have as long a drive as some, but I know I have a longer drive than others. Like those who either live in st. pete or tampa, who get a break from driving on the days we are at those respective campuses. I have to drive 45 minutes each way, no matter which campus we are at. Driving takes up so much time.

I know this week will not be any better. I'm not as far along on my work as I wanted to be, and so I'll be playing catch up while trying to work on my outlines, and of course do some reading for next week so I don't get too behind schedule...and last week I was so caught up on my work! I just need a good night's sleep and tomorrow I'll be able to tackle anything.

But for now, I need an episode of Sex and the City. I hope its on.

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