Monday, August 24, 2009

The Plan

Last night I went to see Post Grad. I thought the movie was cute - it would make a great Girl's Night Out movie. It was very relatable for me because that is where I am: I am a post-grad. Of course, I have made the decision to return to school, but in the movie, the main character had a plan. So I thought I would share mine with you - the plan I made in high school:

The Plan:

Get good grades in high school
Get into college with some kind of scholarship
Meet significant other in college
Get good grades in college
Get engaged in college
Graduate from college
Go to law school
Get good job
Get married

Of course, this has changed a bit. The whole engaged thing? Not ready for that. But other than that, my plan seems to be on track. Now there are the little details to worry about: Stay in FL or go to NY? Or go somewhere else, like Europe? And what to do with my law degree? Entertainment Law? Sports Law? Music Law? Media Law? Oh, what to do!

So that's the plan for now. I'm on the law school step. Today I start the first day of my life towards significant change. Significant because now I am finally headed in the direction I am fairly certain I want to be in. Undergrad was fun, but while I love music, I knew that I wouldn't be able to make a career out of it - or at least right away. Would I love to still do music? Yes. But law school is first.

On another note, the humidity isn't too bad today. It's nice to sit outside and work on homework with a glass of Berry Zinger iced tea. Time to tackle Property reading!

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